Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Benefits of Performance Sports Mask

Performance sports masks are used to improve the functioning of lungs in order to improve the performance of a sports man. Performance sports masks are getting very popular all across the US. They help improve breathing power so that athletes who perform activities such as running, heavy weight lifting or do yoga and other core exercises can improve their performance and fitness.

How do performance sports mask function: -?

The mask functions by stimulating altitude and inducing a normobaric hypoxic condition. By increasing the carbon dioxide level inside the mask it induces re-breathing improving oxygen exchange. The mask makes pH levels in the body to rise to facilitate the oxygen molecule to carry greater amounts of oxygen. It also makes the waste product and lactic acid move out of the body hence cleansing the functioning of body. As the lactic acid is removed energy levels increase. Not just that, the mask can be readjusted to limit the increasing levels of oxygen in order to give the high altitude training effect. This helps improve aerobic endurance. Wearing this mask athletes need not to go to high altitude places for training sessions.

Benefits of performance sports mask: -

Performance sports mask are created to provide great benefits to athletes who do rigorous exercises to improve their performance. By controlling oxygen levels the mask stimulates high altitude training. This saves a lot of time and money as the athletes do not have to spend money on high altitude chambers or make trips to Rocky Mountains. The mask is a cost effective substitute for high altitude training.

The mask tends to improve respiratory muscle performance by increasing cellular oxidative adaptations which could lead to a delayed onset o metabolic acidosis. As a result, lower blood lactate during exercise and the reduced perception of respiratory effort tends to lead to an improved physical performance. Thus the mask is intended to improve the breathing muscles capabilities.

The inadequate ventilation caused by the mask by increasing carbon dioxide levels in the mask leads to an increase in the perceived exertion as the wearer trains. This leads to increase in stamina and endurance which are key factors for athletic performance.

The reduced oxygen levels in the mask lead to adaptations to an enhanced buffering capacity. This is said to increase the strength and power of the wearer which helps him perform better in sporting events.

The mask is also useful for professionals who do martial arts. It helps them in developing efficient breathing technique by making the respiratory system used to of lower oxygen levels.

Limitations of performance sports mask: -

Feasibility of performance sports mask and their usefulness cannot be comletelty established at this point in time. a lot of research and investigation is required so as to confirm the safety of product as it is used for the intended purpose. The research is required to establish the long term impact on health and cardiorespiratory functioning. Apart from this, a clearer picture is needed to determine the link between the mask and athletic performance variables such as power, strength and endurance. Research needs to objectively indicate how the performance variables are enhanced by the specific features of the mask. Furthermore, it needs to be made clear as to what kind of sports professionals and athelets in particular shall benefit from the mask. Most of the claims of benefits of performance sports mask are made by the marketing department of the manufacturing companies. Therefore greater amount of research to validate the aerobic and anaerobic benefits of altitude training at sea level with the help of a performance sports mask is needed.

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